Dept of Mathematics - Faculty Details

Faculty NameDr. Dhanya P. M.
Designation Assistant Professor
Experience Details .
Qualifications M.Sc., Ph.D
Areas of Interest Analysis and Topology
Field of Research Topology
Guideship Details Nil
Subjects Handled Multivariable calculus and differential geometry Differential Equations
Academic Responsibilities Undertaken Tutorship

Duties Performed Invigilation duties
Research Projects Undertaken UG and PG projects
Research Publications 1.On the lattice of generalized topologies : International journal of pure and applied mathematics
2 Automorphism group of lattice of fuzzy generalized topologies : Annals of fuzzy mathematics and informatics
Books Published Nil
Paper Presentations Two presentations
Seminars / Workshops Organized Nil
Seminars Attended Two day National seminar on Operators and Matrices on Nov 2 and 3 of 2017 at Dept of Mathematics Govt Victoria College palakkad
Workshops Attended Nil
Refresher Courses Attended Nil
Orientation Programmes Attended Nil
Awards / Honours / Patents Conferred Nil
Membership (s) in Nil
Assigned Office Charges Disciplinary action /students advisory system
Countries Visited Nil